Faith musings in an exciting world

She blows, we should blow

05/31/2020 12:25

Come Holy Ghost and shake us up! Amen.



The funny thing about wind is, that we don’t know where from and where to it’s blowing. You think it goes from A to B, but it feels differently.


The Spirit too, she blows, often from and to surprising directions.


What happens then? That’s the spirit speak as surprisingly as she blows, and as renewing?

Does the church still speak?



This Sunday between Ascension and Pentecost is sometimes called Orphan Sunday because once again the disciples were left orphaned.


They had been through it once before, after the crucifixion, that fear, that disappointment, that feeling of loneliness, dazed, numb, because their world had come crashing down. Then the resurrection happened and Jesus was back, their lives once again as they were supposed to be.


40 days later it happened all over again. 40 days Jesus had stayed with them, had eaten with them, had told them things, had spoken to them. Then the Ascension happened and he was gone. Hadn’t he promised never to do that again? He had abandoned them once again, dazed, numb, alone.


Once again they were there, in that offer room, fearful, doubting, huddled together, hiding. Then the Spirit came.


The Spirit, she still blows.



The Spirit descended with some impressive special effects and shoved the disciples outside, to meet the crowds that had gathered together, and to speak to them. The crowds were far from homogenous and probably there were non-Jews there also. These people had come from all over and some had lived in Jerusalem all their lives, some were deeply moved and impressed, others made snide remarks. A colourful bunch just, like the Church.


Does the church still speak to people? Does she speak about the internal one who seems far off? Does she speak about the present one who is very close by? Does she speak the truth? Does the church still have anything to say?


How do we speak about people who have come from all corners of the world, each with their own story, each with their own way of life? Refugees, economic migrants, the searches, the doctors, the atheists, those of other denominations, those of other religions… Do we speak with judgement, or invitingly? Do we still speak in a language that people understand, about a God who’s present, about a God who understands them? Are we still a voice that’s being heard?


Do you still speak up in word and deed for the lonely, depressed, the addicted, the homeless, all who are being ignored, all who don’t have a voice? Do we still allow for the Spirit to do her work in us, to set us on fire, to engage ourselves, to invite al into our churches, our homes, our countries?


One of the most important words in any language is the word ‘welcome’, let’s use it again and again! Let’s be inviting, and go out to spiritually and physically embody the love of God, let’s descend like the Spirit over people! To draw them out, to bring them in, to support them, they give them a place, so they can speak for themselves, so that they can express themselves, defend themselves, and so on.



Did God not speak at creation?

Was everything not created through the Word?

Is the Word not Christ?

Is Christ not God?

Is God not love?

So, the Word is love, and our words, the words of the church must also be love.


Our words must bring hope, not fear.

Our word must speak love, not indifference.

Our words must declare grace, not judgement.

Our words must build up, not tear down.

Our words must create, not leave empty.




That’s why Pentecost is the feast of communication, of interaction, of engagement, of thinking outside the box, of doing doing things differently, and step out of our comfort zone.


We must blow!


Pentecost is the festival that guarantees that the work of the triune God is still ongoing, that it hasn’t ended, that it’s moving on, and that’s the calling we have as well: don’t give up, enjoy, live, fight for justice and peace, serve, be people, and be Christians. Or will everything remain dead letter? Uninspired, boring, rusted, orphaned, huddled together, hiding in our buildings.



Veni Creator Spiritus! Come, Creator-God!